Software Development: Understanding What It Is

Software Development: Understanding What It Is

In today’s digital age, where technology evolves at an unprecedented pace, software development is an essential pillar of innovation and digital transformation in businesses. Software development teams are at the heart of corporate strategy, enabling not only the automation and optimization of processes but also the effective response to changing consumer expectations and maintaining market competitiveness.

In this article, we will explore in detail the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) and critical phases, distinct benefits and the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on this discipline. We will also discuss the growing importance of co-development in creating software solutions that meet precisely the needs of users and businesses.

We also have a glossary of terms frequently used to help you find your way in the world of software development.


What is software development?

Software development is an essential component of businesses’ success nowadays because it plays a key role in innovation and technological transformation. In the entrepreneurial context, software solutions help automate operations, improve the efficiency of different teams in various departments, and offer new ways of interacting with customers. In short, whether through internal management systems, e-commerce platforms, mobile applications or data analysis tools, softwares help businesses optimize their resources, improve their processes and provide better customer service.

Beyond operational functions, software development is used as a strategic lever. It enables businesses to adapt quickly to market trends and to changes in consumer behaviour. Businesses that invest in custom software solutions can differentiate themselves from their competitors, explore new business strategies and create greater value for their customers.

The importance of software development

For many businesses, software development is crucial. Here are four fundamental aspects that highlight the importance of this discipline.

Acceleration of digital transformation

Software development enables businesses to adapt quickly to new market trends and to changing consumer needs. Custom software solutions help businesses to transform digitally while simplifying operations, improving efficiency and boosting productivity.

Innovation and competitiveness

In a world where innovation is the key to competitiveness, software development enables businesses to stay at the forefront of innovation. Businesses can develop unique solutions that differentiate them from their competition, offering products and services that better meet customer needs.

Enhanced customer experience

Software development is essential to create personalized and engaging user experiences. With the rise of smartphones and other digital technologies, consumers expect simple, seamless interactions with brands at every point of contact. Software development enables businesses to build these omnichannel experiences, increasing customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Business process optimization

Software development enables businesses to rethink and automate their business processes. Systems like Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) and supply chain management solutions can transform internal operations, reduce costs and improve operational efficiency.


Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC)

Software Development Life Cycle is a structured process used to develop software efficiently and effectively. It includes several distinct phases, each with its own processes and activities. Here is a description of each stage in the software development cycle.

Needs analysis

To determine the objectives of the software, this first stage involves gathering and analyzing end-user needs. It includes developing requirements, understanding user expectations, identifying opportunities and defining precise project objectives. This stage is crucial for laying the foundations of the project.

Design and planning

After defining the requirements, the design stage translates requirements into a software architecture. This stage draws up detailed technical plans, including technology selection, database structure and user interfaces. It can be divided into high-level design (global architecture) and detailed design (specific implementation).  


This stage is when the software really starts to take shape. The development team writes software source code based on the design plan. This is often the longest stage of the Software Development Life Cycle, as it involves the creation of all software functionalities or those needed to achieve the objectives previously set. Of course, the procedure for this stage varies according to the methodology adopted.


Once the software has been developed, it enters the testing stage. Errors, bugs and compatibility problems are identified, reported and corrected. The goal is to ensure that the software works as intended in all scenarios and environments. This stage serves to validate product quality.


After passing the tests, the software is deployed in the production environment for use by end-users. The deployment can be carried out in stages depending on the business strategy, and minor corrections may be necessary when problems are discovered in the real environment. 


The final stage of the life cycle involves regular software maintenance and updates to ensure that it continues to function correctly over time. This includes bug fixes not discovered during the testing stage, implementation of new functionalities and assurance that the software remains compatible with the new operating systems or hardware.


However, it is important to note that the methodology adopted will greatly impact the development cycle. The choice of methodology determines how teams plan, design, develop, test and deploy software.

The 4 main software development methodologies

Agile methodology

Agile software development is an iterative method that promotes flexible project management and rapid response to change. It is based on the progressive development of small portions of the project called “iterations”. Agile development promotes continuous collaboration with team members and customers alike, and regularly adapts the development plan to emerging needs.

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Agile development offers great flexibility, enabling teams to adapt quickly to change. This method encourages greater collaboration, improving communication and customer satisfaction through regular value deliveries. In addition, risks are minimized thanks to short development cycles, since they facilitate the identification and rapid resolution of problems, ensuring a final product more closely aligned with customer expectations than other methodologies. 


However, agile development requires very close collaboration, which can be difficult in geographically dispersed teams or in large structures. The absence of long-term planning can also make deadlines and costs difficult to control. Agile development also requires rigorous discipline on the part of the teams; otherwise, projects can deviate from their objectives.

Lean development 

Inspired by Lean Manufacturing principles, this approach focuses on creating value for the customer by minimizing waste. Lean development focuses on eliminating all activities that do not contribute directly to the creation of customer value, optimizing efficiency and productivity.


Lean software development focuses on efficiency by eliminating “waste”, thus reducing costs and production times. This methodology emphasizes on creating value for the customer, by identifying and eliminating activities that do not contribute directly to achieving objectives. Thanks to its focus on improvement and rapid response to customer feedback, the Lean approach can significantly improve product quality while maximizing team productivity.


Implementing Lean development can be complex in environments where customer requirements and market dynamics change frequently because it is based on well-defined processes and a clear understanding of the activities that add value. Organizations without a strong collaborative culture may find it difficult to adopt Lean principles because it requires close communication and commitment from all team members. Plus, the focus on reducing waste can sometimes lead to a neglect of innovation in the development process. 

Waterfall model

This method follows a sequential and linear process where each phase must be completely finished before the next can begin. Typical phases include needs analysis, design, implementation, testing, integration and maintenance. Although less flexible than the agile approach, the waterfall model is often used for projects where requirements are well-defined and unlikely to change.

detailed diagram of waterfall methodology in software development 



The waterfall model is structured and sequential, making it easy to understand and manage for teams who prefer a methodical approach. Each project phase is clearly defined and must be fully completed before moving on to the next, ensuring rigorous organization and complete documentation. This model is particularly effective for less complex projects, with well-defined and stable requirements, where changes are unlikely or costly to implement once the project has started. Finally, its simplicity makes it easy to follow the progress of a waterfall project, which can be motivating for team members.


However, the waterfall model is not very flexible in the face of change, which can be a major drawback in complex, dynamic environments where customer and market needs evolve rapidly. If errors are discovered too late, they can be very costly to correct, as they may require going back to earlier stages of development. In addition, this model can also lead to longer delivery times for the final product, because it doesn’t allow iterative delivery of functionality.

The waterfall model, with its rigid sequential phases, presents significant challenges in a market where user needs evolve rapidly. This linear process limits the flexibility needed to adapt the product as new information becomes available. As a result, it can lead to software that does not fully meet current user requirements or maximize user satisfaction. What's more, the absence of ongoing validation with end-users during the development stages can lead to design errors or misunderstandings about necessary functionality, thus affecting the overall quality of the final product.

DevOps Development 

DevOps is a software development methodology that integrates development (Dev) and IT operations (Ops) to improve collaboration and automation throughout the software lifecycle. It focuses on continuous integration, continuous deployment and process automation, reducing time-to-market and increasing software quality. DevOps encourages close communication between development design, operations and other stakeholders. This approach also favours rapid iteration cycles, enabling continuous adjustments based on changing needs and feedback.

detailed diagram of devops methodology



DevOps development significantly improves collaboration between development and operations teams, which speeds up release cycles thanks to practices such as continuous integration and continuous deployment. This methodology reduces organizational silos, improving communication and overall efficiency. DevOps also fosters a culture of rapid feedback and continuous improvement, which contributes to greater customer satisfaction and improved product quality thanks to more frequent and better-targeted corrections and updates.


However, implementing DevOps can be complex, requiring significant changes in corporate culture and existing processes. Organizations may face training and role redéfinition challenges because DevOps requires cross-functional skills and a deep understanding of both development and operations. Finally, implementing DevOps can be an obstacle for some businesses as it often requires up-front investment in tools and technologies.

What methodology is the best?

Each software development method has its advantages and disadvantages. At Nexapp, we combine several methodologies, such as Agile, Lean and DevOps. We rely on industry best practices and our teams' learning to continually improve our way of doing things. Over the years, this has led us to prioritize continuous discovery and delivery to build the right product and accelerate the delivery of value to the market. 

Methodologie VA-1

Software development and artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) is playing an increasingly central role in software development, transforming the way software is designed, developed, tested and deployed. Its impact is felt across many aspects of the software development cycle, with applications ranging from the automation of repetitive tasks to complex decision-making based on large data sets. Here is a look at the current state and future prospects of AI integration in software development.

Current state

  • Development assistance tool | AI-based tools, such as code completions and programming assistants, help the development team write code faster and with fewer errors by suggesting code completions and identifying potential bugs.
  • Automated test support tool | AI improves software testing efficiency by automating test case generation and identifying the critical areas of code to be tested first. This enables more complete test coverage and reduces the time needed for testing.
  • Maintenance and debugging | AI-based systems can analyze error logs and bug reports to automatically identify the causes of problems, even suggesting potential fixes.
  • User experience personalization | AI makes it possible to create software that automatically adapts to user preferences and behaviours, offering a more personalized experience.

Future prospects

  • Predictive design and development | In the future, AI will be able to help design easy-to-use interfaces and predict user behaviour, leading to more personalized experiences.
  • Optimization of the development process | AI could reveal information previously obscured by the limitations of human analysis, leading to not just incremental, but potentially transformative improvements in your value stream. It will be able to analyze the complexity of relationships in development activities and identify the most critical dependencies in the workflow, for example. 
  • Advanced testing and quality assurance | AI will be able to reduce the need for manual testing by replicating the actions of several human testers simultaneously, select the most critical tests and prioritize critical areas that are most likely to have critical incidents.
  • Software security |  With the number of cyberattacks increasing, artificial intelligence is becoming essential for preventing security breaches. By automating threat detection and providing continuous monitoring, AI enables organizations to react quickly. Exploiting vast quantities of data reduces the time available for cyber attackers to exploit vulnerabilities, thus strengthening overall security.

In short, the integration of AI into software development is revolutionizing the way software is created and maintained, making the process faster, more efficient and better adapted to users' needs. In the future, AI should not only automate more tasks but also make increasingly complex decisions, allowing the development team to concentrate on more innovative and creative aspects of software development.



Co-development in software development is a collaborative approach that brings together the various players in a project to work together on software development. This method goes beyond simple team programming; it involves close collaboration between the development team, project managers, end-users and sometimes even customers. The aim is to share knowledge, skills and perspectives to create a product that better meets the needs and expectations of all stakeholders. Here is an overview of its main advantages.

Improved communication

One of the greatest advantages of co-development is the improvement in communication between all project team members. By working closely together from the outset, the development team better understands the project's needs and objectives, while both supplier and customer have a better appreciation of objectives and challenges. This reduces misunderstandings and ensures that the final product is better aligned with user expectations.

Accelerated decision-making

Close collaboration enables fast, efficient decision-making. Teams can discuss problems in real-time and find solutions together, avoiding delays often caused by lengthy and complex validation processes. This also makes it easier to adjust priorities according to user feedback and project constraints.

Innovation and creativity

Co-development fosters an environment where ideas can be freely shared and explored. The diversity of skills and perspectives within the team can lead to innovative solutions that would not have been envisaged by an individual working alone. This can lead to unique features and significant product improvements.

Reduced risks

By involving all key players right from the start of the development process, co-development helps to identify and mitigate risks earlier. User and customer feedback can be incorporated at an early stage, avoiding the high cost of late modifications. In addition, with several pairs of eyes examining the code and design, errors and potential problems are more likely to be detected quickly.

Increased satisfaction 

Co-development can lead to greater satisfaction for all stakeholders. The development team feels valued and involved in decision-making, while customers and end-users see their needs and preferences taken into account in a significant way. This results in a final product that not only better meets requirements, but is also more favourably received by the market.

Nexapp firmly believes in the benefits of software co-development, an approach that strengthens collaboration and innovation. To find out more, or to launch a co-development project, don't hesitate to contact us.


A career in software development

In the software development field, there is a wide variety of specialized roles, each focusing on different aspects of creating and maintaining software and applications. Here is a brief overview of the three main types of software development found in the industry.

Front-End Developers

They focus on the visible part of web or mobile applications: everything the user interacts with directly. They use languages like HTML, CSS and JavaScript to create attractive, responsive user interfaces.

Back-End Developers

They work on the server, application and database that feed the front-end, handling business logic, data management and user authentication. They frequently use languages like Java, Python, Ruby and .NET.

Full-Stack Developers

They have expertise in both front-end and back-end development, enabling them to build complete end-to-end applications. They can manage all aspects of development, from the user interface to the database.


In conclusion

Software development is a dynamic and constantly evolving field, offering countless opportunities for innovation and problem-solving. Developers can make a significant contribution to positively impacting organizations by keeping abreast of the latest trends and tools, and by becoming actively involved in the technology community. Whether you're looking for a partner for custom software development or want to take on new professional challenges, the Nexapp team will be happy to answer your questions.

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